The Independent Forum
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A community for the frustrated 50% of people who don't completely align with Democrats or Republicans. For the people who want change and a balanced sense of direction.

This community will advocate to gain equal campaign laws for third party candidates. Independent candidates can only raise a fraction of the money and voters registered as Independent's aren't aloud to vote in primaries. That needs to change!
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US, Germany sending battle tanks to aid Ukraine war effort,

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3 Crypto Billionaires Mysteriously Die Within One Month

Tiantian Kullander

  • Died in his sleep on November 23, 2022.
  • Co-founder of digital asset company Amber Group.
  • Company value was estimated to be $3 Billion.

Vyacheslav Taran

  • Died in a helicopter crash on November 25, 2022
  • $20 Billion Net Worth
  • Forex Club founder and had investments in blockchain-linked projects.

Nikolai Mushegian (CRAYZIEST STORY OF ALL)

  • Found dead near Condado Beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (OCTOBER 29, 2022)


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Revolution in China?
  • China's police have been detaining people protesting against the newly reimposed harsh Covid policies in some of its biggest cities.
  • This is an unprecedented open show of displeasure towards President Xi Jinping, and some citizans are calling for him to resign
  • A reporter from BBC  was beaten and arrested by police while covering the protests 
  • This weekend, crowds of protestors took to the streets in the capital Beijing as well as Shanghai and other cities.
  • People are fed up with Xi's zero-Covid approach, which involves mass testing, quarantines and snap lockdowns
The most interesting thing to watch going forward will be, how Xi responds to the largest protest he has ever experienced.


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WTF is taking so long?

The entire country is waiting for Nevada and Arizona to finish counting votes to see who will control the U.S. Senate. At the momment Republicans have 49 Senate seats and Democrats have 48. The 3 states left are Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia. Georgia will have a runofff vote 1 month from now because neither candidate gained over 50% of the vote, the difference in the runoff is that only 2 candidates will be on the ticket instead of 3.

There is no good reason why Arizona and Nevada should be taking this long to count votes. They claim to be counting "mail in votes" while this hasn't been a problem for the other 48 states.

As shown below, Nevada has counted 83% of the votes and 88% of votes from Clark County. Over 75% of the Nevada population live in Clark Country, and like most cites it usually leans Democrat. When 100% of the Clark County votes are in we will likely know who the winner of Nevada will be. 

The current margin is Clark County is closer than it was in 2020.


Arizona has a similar situation taking place. Maricopa County consists of more than 60% of the Ariona population, but it is often very close.



This is an image of the Maricopa County results rom the 2020 election. Biden only recieved 50% of the vote compared to Kelly's 53%.

Biden still "won" Arizona by a small margin, so the point I''m trying to highlight is that the winner of Maricopa county is often the winner of the election. Which is why it is very concerning that Maricopa was having ballot counting issues on election day and that of all people Bill Gates came out and said not to worry, that they resolved the issue. According to the Fox article I read, Bill Gates is on the board of the county. Which seems very random until you realize how important this county is for electing political leaders. 

It is very clear that we need a better way to count votes. My opinion is that Blockchain technology will be the best way to do this in the future.

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