There has been a lot of drama around Brazil's election results this past week. Wide spread protesting, CIA communicating with the President, and concerns about election legitimacy.
The results were razors thin, 50.83% to 49.17%. Lula da Silva was the winner and the incumbant was Jair Bolsonaro. Lula is considered a far left globalist and Bolsonaro is compared to Trump.
Some interesting details about Lula is that he was previously president of Brazil between 2003-20011, and he was in jail from 2018-2021 for corruption charges. It was originally a much longer sentence, but the Supreme Court of Brazil annuled the charges in late 2021.
The US appeared to be paying very close attention to this election, and there's no question the Biden administration wanted Lula to win. When this election concluded, massive protests erupted and the incumbant president did not formally concede. This reportedly caused the CIA and State Department to contact Bolsonaro, warning him to stop causing doubt in the election results.
As far as Brasil being a member of the BRICS movement (Bazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) this election made little difference. Both candidates are very much in favor of the BRICS agenda to create a new Global Reserve Currency.
The biggest concern I have is that Lula is likely to be much more pro WEF agenda than Bolsonaro. Regardless, it would be a huge benefit for the entire world if we could develop a way to count election votes in a more transparent way. There has always been a degree of cheating in any election that takes place anywhere in the world, but we now undoubtably have the technology to prevent that.